Policy of systems management


With constant improvements of production processes, reliable deliveries, efficient use of energy, and cost control, by raising the employees’ level of expertise, removing negative effects on the environment, and improving health, safety and working conditions, we wish to be the customers’ first choice. With continuous efforts to improve employees’ knowledge and for technological progress and innovation, we want our development to be sustainable, in line with our business and with our needs and that it does not endanger the needs of future generations. We want to become a leader in the field of socially responsible business practices and a partner of incentives and examples for the benefit of the entire society. We want to become the most desirable employer for our current and future employees.



To impress the customers with our products and services in a way that will enable the owners to reach the goals they have established, and offer the employees long-term social security and enable them to reach their personal economic and social goals.



Satisfaction of customers’ and owners’ demands is made possible by motivated, qualified and satisfied employees that show a high level of company loyalty.

Quality of business, environmental protection, efficient use of energy and occupational health and safety are planned, carried out and monitored in all fields of work. We are committed to improving the quality of life of our employees, their family members and the local communities in which we operate.

Processes are set up in accordance with demands of standards for quality management systems SIST ISO 9001, standards for environmental management SIST EN ISO 14001, standards for energy management SIST ISO 50001, and standards for occupational health and safety management OHSAS 18001. They ensure constant improvements in the following areas:

  • Quality of products and processes,
  • relationships with suppliers and customers,
  • environmental impact, by reducing the HOS emissions, waste and consumption of energy sources,
  • working conditions, by investing into objects and equipment,
  • education and communication,
  • awareness of risks that could result in inconsistent products, environmental impact, damage and threats to information security,
  • protection of employees, subcontractors and visitors from accidents and occupational diseases,
  • development and implementation of management systems that include employees.
  • occupational health and safety management and the efficiency of promotion of health at the workplace,
  • energy efficiency and provision of information and the necessary resources for achieving energy goals,
  • the development of products and services in accordance with the needs and expectations of interested parties,
  • the development of an integrated management system taking into account risks and opportunities


Company’s goals

To achieve goals that are established in annual and long-term business plans, while maintaining balanced and controlled growth of all companies within the Maksim group.

To become important development promoters in all social environments in which companies from the Maksim group are located.

To maintain, inspect, and constantly improve our management system, in accordance with applicable, internationally recognised standards.

To observe the legislative and other demands that the company accepted, regarding identified environmental issues, energy efficiency and occupational health and safety.

To encourage suppliers and customers to constantly improve the implementation of standards of quality, environmental protection and occupational health and safety.

Observance of this document’s contents is an obligation of every employee of the Maksim group